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Avant-garde gastronomy and stays in front of the Bay of Biscay

Pet Policy

Please note that pets are not allowed in Akelarre, with the exception of assistance dogs. Assistance dogs are understood to be all those that have been trained by specialised entities of recognised solvency, for the accompaniment, driving, help and assistance of people with disabilities *.

In order to guarantee their access, the guests holding them must present the relevant accreditations at the time of booking:

  • 1. Accreditation of the training required for the performance of their duties.
  • 2. Accreditation of the hygienic-sanitary conditions.
  • 3. Veterinary and vaccination certificate.
  • 4. Identification of the user who owns it.

If all requirements are met, a daily cleaning fee of 200€ per day will be charged for pets in the rooms.

Finally, and in compliance with current health regulations, these animals are not allowed in the restaurant areas (Akelarre Restaurant, Espazio Oteiza) and the SPA and treatment area.


* In accordance with the provisions of Art. 2 of Law 10/2007, of 29 June, on Assistance Dogs for the Care of People with Disabilities, published in BOPV no. 140 of 20 July 2007 and BOE no. 258 of 26 October 2011.